7 golden rules for writing user-friendly web content

In my 13 years as a web content editor, I’ve learned a lot about creating user-friendly, helpful web content.

Follow these golden rules to create web content that is helpful and easy to understand.

  1. Be concise.
  2. Write in plain English.
  3. Use objective language.
  4. Make it easy to scan.
  5. Use a consistent editorial style.
  6. Use correct spelling and grammar.
  7. Write a good page title.

Resources for creating user-friendly web content

The Nielsen Norman Group have a treasure-trove of articles and videos about web usability. I used their guidance extensively when producing my seven golden rules.

I also recommend the GOV.UK service toolkit, which includes their style guide and other useful (researched) guidance. I discovered this whilst working in local government, but I think their findings would be useful to anyone interested in producing user-centric web content.

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